Monday, May 4, 2009


The scariest thing I have ever seen is Dead Space. It is a movie and a video game. I am not kidding, it will make you pee yourself. It is about this GIANT mining ship that recovers an odd stone off a lifeless planet. They think the stone will make them rich because it has unknown materials in it and it has odd writing on it. They are dead wrong. The stone releases an ancient alien disease that mutates the crew. Any men that were not mutated by the disease were eaten and killed by the mutated crew. The ship is really important so the central command unit on a far off planet tries to contact the ship. They get no signal what so ever. They send one engineer named Jacob to go repair the ships communication tower. When Jacob gets to the ship its like a living nightmare. He must fight his way through the ship and get rid of the odd stone.


Anonymous said...

wow that sounds very. . . creepy

Brenden said...
