Friday, May 22, 2009

The meaning of life

I think I have figured out the meaning of life. Strictly MTV, pizza, and toasters. MTV is the source of all american knowledge. Pizza is what keeps you alive . And toasters, well there is no logical reason. That is the meaning of life.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

best prank ever

I went to this guys house and duck taped all of his doors shut and put like 15 layers of plastic wrap in front of his garage. Then I ding dong ditched him. When he tried to open the front door he couldn't. He got so ticked off when he tried to get out of his house. It was so awesome. I also replaced my family's sugar bowl with salt and baking soda.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Point less stuff to do when youe bored.

#1. yell at rats
#2. Steal someones scab the UPS truck with a stick
#4. eat a piece of string
#5. sleep on a bannana
#6. attempt to newter a bunny
#7. say hi


Elmo totally inspires me. He taught me my colors, shapes, and numbers. He encouraged me to to sing songs. He made me love the color red. Oscar is cool too. Elmo is smart. Elmo is funny. He is a real leader. When our economy is really this bad he will pull us out of this mess. He elects to get rid of welfare, abortion, and large tax amounts. The race is on, vote Elmo for president of 09.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

School And Summer

My least favorite part of the year at school was when I was given lunch detention for touching a shocker pen. A poor friend of mine got suspended for three days for bringing the pen. I mean come on..... it's a shocker pen. My favorite part of school was when my class went to the YMCA camp. I had a blast. I am looking foreward to summer because I can get out of work. I can get out of trouble. Thats what I think.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Monday, May 4, 2009


The scariest thing I have ever seen is Dead Space. It is a movie and a video game. I am not kidding, it will make you pee yourself. It is about this GIANT mining ship that recovers an odd stone off a lifeless planet. They think the stone will make them rich because it has unknown materials in it and it has odd writing on it. They are dead wrong. The stone releases an ancient alien disease that mutates the crew. Any men that were not mutated by the disease were eaten and killed by the mutated crew. The ship is really important so the central command unit on a far off planet tries to contact the ship. They get no signal what so ever. They send one engineer named Jacob to go repair the ships communication tower. When Jacob gets to the ship its like a living nightmare. He must fight his way through the ship and get rid of the odd stone.

Thursday, April 30, 2009


I was sitting in my living room wathcing MTV and eating pizza. There was a loud knock at the door. When I opened the door I was horrified. In front of me was Amabo. He started telling me all this tax stuff and longer school day stuff. "Get away from me, I don't like you" I shouted. That made him MAD. He came in and chased me through the living room. I hid in the closet and waited. Then he started scratching at the closet door. The scratching stoped. I let a sigh of relief out. Then a knife stuck through the door. I freaked. I ran out the closet door and into the kitchen I saw Amabo comming in. I threw a Cuisine Art blender at him. It hit him in the face. He got really mad. I threw a toaster at him. That hit him in the face too. He threw an apple at me and it hit my leg. Now he grabbed me and was about to bite me but I gave him a charlie horse. He hollered in pain. I kicked him and he fell in the sink. By some miracle he fell in the garbage disposal. He was never heard from again.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


my dog

My dog is so dang wierd. He is just hyper. He is funny though. My dog wathces TV and barks at it. He eats only when my family sits down to eat. He gets scared of random objects like ketchup bottles and phones. If you run from him he chases you down and destroys you. My dog is wierd.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Pros an cons of slang

Slang in my opinion is good so I will start with pros.
#1 They make talking faster
#2 You can make your own meanings for words
#1 people might not understand what you are saying
#2 they might take it the wrong way

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth day

I don't do much for Earth day. I sometimes recycle things. I'm not wasteful . I reuse things. It's not that I hate earth but I am not really a tree hugger and all that. I don't think that it is that big of a deal if you throw something away and don't recycle it. I dont ride my bike enough and I could do that.

Monday, April 20, 2009


This weekend I went to my friend David's house. We played halo the whole time. Then we texted this dumb Q and A gadget on Amys phone. Once you asked the phone a question it would give you an answer and facts on the subject. We asked it how many times people fart a day and it said, "14 times a day,did you know thats 2 liters of gas, and a fart travels at 10 feet per second" . Then on Sunday I had to do chores but I did go to a clothes store. I got a wicked cool shirt. Thats what I did this weekend.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

My favorite movie is.....

Black Hawk Down is my favorite movie. I like it alot. It is a real story and is really sad but action packed. I like how they put in every thing that really happend in real life. It is real and the graphics are good.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Friday, April 10, 2009


If I had $5000 I would buy an Xbox 360 . Then I would buy some Axe. Then I would buy a 65cc Suzuki. I would also buy a cool phone. I would be confused with what to do with the rest of the the money and give it to charity. That's what I would do with $5000.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Top 5 websites

#1 You tube : coolest videos ever
#2 addicting games .com :best games ever
#3 line rider: hard to explain but cool
#4 Guitar shows how to play songs on the guitar
#5 Cheat codes

My dad

My dad is a really cool guy. He is the one that made me love rock. He also takes me cool places. My dad buys me things like motorcycles, gituars, pellet guns, and food. Thats why I admire him.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


This picture I made in Photoshop.

Cool right?

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Spring break

This spring break I went to the Flat Irons Mall. I saw a ton of cool junk. Then I went home and played PS2. Then I played only video games. I had a sleep over on Saturday. We ran around a tree for an hour. (I don't know why).

Friday, March 20, 2009


The best advice I have ever been given was the phrase "you never know what you got til it's gone". I dont know how I got this advice. But it's all true. I know it's good to keep things. If you throw something away you will miss it. It also says dont take things for granted.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Fun #2

The most fun things I have done lately started on Friday. First, my youth group went to the Colorado Ice game. The Ice is an indoor football team. My friend and I got very bored so we went out walking. Then some people asked us to go on the halftime show. We said yes. In the halftime show we got to do tricks with dogs. I threw frisbees for a dog names Sir charles. After that I met the Icicles. They are the cheer leaders. We talked for a LONG time ^___^. The game managers asked me to throw foot balls to the crowd. I threw the foot balls to a group of hot girls. After that Isaiah, Thomas, Isaiah and I had a sleep over and we played Battle Front on the PS2. We stayed up til 2 am. Then my friends left and I went to my other friend's house. We got his metal detector and went to the old country fields. We dug up a ton of truck parts. It was so cool. Thats the most fun I have had lately.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Video game producers

I will review 4 game producers.

#1 Konami: I personally love Konami because they come out with very realistic games that you don't just beat in one day. The bad side is that their games are kinda pricy.

#2 Edios and Gurilla: I absolutely love Edios and Gurilla. They are my favorite producers. They make the most realistic games. The down side is that most of their games are rated M.

#3 Dolgby: This company makes good multiplayer games. Not the best graphics.

These are the producers of games I reviewed. I like them all.

Monday, March 2, 2009


The most fun thing I have done lately was on Saturday when Thomas, Brenden and I went to the skate park for the day. Then we prank called a lot of people. I learned how to drop in and jump the table. Later we left and went to Brenden's house. Thomas had bad helmet hair. We played halo 3 and Brenden got run over by a ghost. Then we went to a coffee shop. This was something for my school so I could not goof off too much, but hey, I'm Chris, I have to goof off. Well, Brenden dared me to go accross the street to Taco bell. I did but my english teacher followed me in. I did not see her. After I ordered she started yelling at me. I had to go back to the coffee shop , but the cheese roll was good. That was the most fun I have had lately.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

gps for cell phones

I hate the idea of gps on kids' cell phones. First, kids can't talk like they normally do with friends because the parents are always listening in. Kids at least need privacy. Plus it would get kids in a lot of trouble. It would make kids not want to go have fun because they would be scared about getting in trouble. I would hate my parents bugging me if I just went somewhere barley out of the place I said I was going to be.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


The reason I chose this recipie was because this gives you an excuse to play with your food. I love to play with food. YOU WILL NEED: hot dogs

a knife

kethcup (optional)


pepper not grinded

bbq sauce

Step 1: cut arms and legs out of your hot dog.

Step 2: put bbq on top for hair.

Step 3: put two peppers on face reigon for eyes

Step 4: make graphic scenes with ketchup ^__^

Friday, February 13, 2009

v day

The thing I love about v-day is girls. I don't hate v-day. I love candy. HI HANNAH, ASPEN, SHELBIE, E.J, STORM, AND TIKE. I like to eat food at partys.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


I am so like the Disney character Hades. He is funny just like me. If you ask any one who has watched Hercules they would say I am just like him. He talks just like me. He rocks.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

This is my dog.

Its a boy, his name is Moe.

Friday, January 30, 2009


My fave vacation was when I went on a houseboat on Shatsa Lake. The boat was a three decker with a hot tub and a bar on the third deck. There was a water slide going through the whole boat that shot you five to six feet out the back of the boat. My cousins and I slept in the bunk room on the second floor. There was a super kitchen on the first floor. There was two bath rooms and 5 flat screen TVs. We stayed on the top deck looking at the stars untill 1 am. Then in the morning we rode the jet boat and went wakeboarding, waterskiing, and tubing. We ate junk food galore and played wii on the boat. We roasted smores and drank soda. The lounge was cool because it was right next to the kitchen. We watched a video of our family pics that dated 30 years ago. My pics were of me as a baby. Every one was in the movie.


Wednesday, January 28, 2009


My top five favorite love songs.
#1 You'll think of me
#2 Is it raining at your house
#3 Aint talkin bout love
#4 Some kind of wonderful
# 5 Sweet child o mine

Monday, January 26, 2009

truth. my teacher made me write this

What is truth? I think truth is a fact that is verified. Yet verified also means truth. Another way to put it is this that it is the opposite of a lie. I think that it means a proven fact.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

pain pain and more pain

What's the most painful thing thats happened to you? For me it would be the time my cousin threw a m33a firework shell at me. It blew up right over me. It hurt so bad. Or the time I got a pencil stabbed in my back.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

energy drink

DRINK NOS. NOS stands for nitro. There is a cool energy drink called nos. WARNING its powerful stuff! It even comes in a nitro bottle! NNNNNOOOOOOSSSSSS is good. I know from experience, it is good.

WARNING: never exceed one bottle daily.
So I was thinking that if I were to have an awesome birthday party this is what I would do. First I would have Metallica do a live concert in my neighborhood. Then I would go to a resterurant. After that I would go to Bandemiere. Finaly I would go to my house and party late .

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Hi it's me rock boy, for most of the songs you want to listen to... search on you tube. It has about any song you can think of. I will share a ton of rock songs with you. Today's songs are Seek and Destroy, Welcome to the Jungle, and One.

waz up

Hey all you rock fans. I just started blogging and I wanted to do a blog all about rock and roll. So I will post all my thoughts about songs and also will give some cool sites to look on.